I don't review books I don't like!
*****= An all-time favorite |
***GalenMy Life in Imperial Romeby Marissa MossSilver Whistle (Harcourt Books), San Diego, 2002. 52 pages. Available at Sembach Library (JF MOS) This book is presented as the diary of a Greek slave boy owned by Caesar Augustus. I didn’t know that it was common to free slaves in those days and that slaves tried to earn money to buy their freedom. Galen’s best friend is a charioteer. I also didn’t know that young boy slaves drove chariots and could use their winnings to eventually buy their freedom. Besides the interesting facts about life in Imperial Rome, a plot comes up against Caesar’s life and Galen must figure out how to get people to even listen to him, a slave. This book is in a format that will pique kids’ interest. Review of another book by Marissa Moss: Talia's Codebook for Mathletes Kate Warne, Pinkerton Detective The Eye That Never Sleeps Boardwalk Babies