I don't review books I don't like! *****=
An all-time favorite |
****The Three Golden Keysby Peter SisReviewed December 15, 2001.A Sonderbooks' Best Book of 2001 Francis Foster Books, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2001. 64 pages. Available at Sembach Library (E SIS). Peter Sis wrote this book for his daughter Madeleine, who is growing up in America. It tells of a magical journey back to the Prague of his childhood. Three fairy tales give him three keys to open the door of the house of his youth. Peter Sis also drew the intricate pictures, with hidden images to look at over and over again. After one reading, I feel I’ve only scratched the surface. A magical book. I’d like to take it with me to Prague some day. I do hope that little Madeleine does.
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