I don't review books I don't like!
*****= An all-time favorite |
****Bunny Partyby Rosemary WellsA Sonderbooks' Best Book of 2001 2001. Available at Sembach Library (E WEL). I’ve started reading again to my son’s 1st and 2nd grade class. The two books I’m mentioning this week were my first two selections, and both were a big hit. In the middle of Bunny Party, a girl said, “I like this book!” I beamed with satisfaction! A writer friend pointed out to me that none of the children in Rosemary Wells’ books are well-behaved. She does have a point. But I still love her books about Max and Ruby. Maybe you have to have had a bossy older sister to truly appreciate it? (Sorry, Becky, but big sisters simply can’t help being at least a little bossy--at least in the view of their younger siblings!) Rosemary Wells manages to teach simple things like counting in a completely entertaining way, so that even 2nd graders, who certainly already know the facts, can enjoy the story. Ruby is having a birthday party for Grandma. She’s invited 7 stuffed animals. Max cleverly sneaks in 3 of his own toys, so Ruby keeps counting and getting a different number. The way Max sneaks his toys in (for example using the wig off one of Ruby’s dolls), is a delight to the kids reading the story. A lot of fun.