I don't review books I don't like!
*****= An all-time
favorite |
***Scribbling in the SandChrist and Creativityby Michael CardInterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 2002. 160 minutes. Available at Sembach Library (CD 709.5 CAR). I don’t often listen to audiobooks. My eyes give words a clearer path to my brain than my ears do. When this one came through the circulation desk at the library, I thought I’d check it out, since I enjoy Michael Card’s songs. They made the audiobook something special by including a song by Michael Card, some interviews with other people, and a poem by Calvin Miller with improvised guitar accompaniment by Phil Keaggy. The text of the book is read by Michael Card, and includes thoughts about how our creativity can praise and honor God. It’s interesting listening for any Christian who wants to also be creative.
Copyright © 2003 Sondra Eklund.
All rights reserved.