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![]() ***Terrify No Moreby Gary A. Haugenwith Gregg Hunter Reviewed March 5, 2006.
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Available at Sembach Library (MCN 306.74 HAU). This book
tells the amazing
work of International Justice Mission, an organization dedicated to
justice to oppressed people all over the world. Besides the
main story, the
book told about other work IJM has done in other parts of the world. They risk their lives and safety in order to
help the oppressed. The story
this book told was
compelling, but I didn’t really like the way it was written, with
skipping around to different places and different stories, weaving the
Svay Pak
story all through the book. I would have
rather they told each story in one uninterrupted narrative. But that didn’t detract from the powerful
message. It’s shocking how much slavery
and exploitation is still going on in the world today.
(I reviewed a children’s novel on this topic
called Iqbal.) And
it’s beautiful to
read about what these people are doing to rescue these precious lives. In a powerful
closing last
chapter, Gary Haugen tells how, confronted by suffering, he went from
“Where is God?” to asking “Where are God’s people?” He says,
“Given all the power
and resources that God has placed in the hands of humankind, I find
sympathizing with a God who, speaking through the ancient prophet, told
people, ‘You have wearied the Lord with your words . . . by saying, . .
“Where is the God of justice?”’ (Malachi
2:17 NIV). Increasingly, I feel quite
sure of the whereabouts of God. My
tradition tells of a Father in heaven who refused to love an unjust
world from
a safe distance, but took his dwelling among us to endure the humility
of false
arrests, vicious torture, and execution. This
is the God who could be found as ‘a man of sorrows,
and familiar
with suffering’ (Isaiah 53:3 NIV). The
more I have come to know him, the harder it has become for me to ask
such a God
to explain where he has been. In fact,
surprisingly, I don’t generally hear the victims of abuse doubting the
of God either. Much more often I hear
them asking me, ‘Where have you
been?’” He also talks
about the joy
of doing this work. “There are moments
when we sense the call to goodness. Our
hearts are moved by the suffering of others, and we are drawn to engage
struggle for rescue and love and justice. It
resonates not so much as a duty, but as an honor, a
gift, and the
deepest satisfaction of the soul. And so
our Maker has prepared it for us. Not
that such human suffering is prepared for our amusement.
Never. But that even in such
a fallen world of wickedness and
pain as this,
there is joy to be extracted by getting into the saddle with our Lord,
the reins, and riding into the battle. Indeed,
it is the very reason for the journey and for our
being. We were created for good works,
prepared beforehand that we might ride in them.” You can find
out more about
International Justice Mission at their website, Copyright © 2006 Sondra Eklund. All
rights reserved. |