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![]() *****Jane Austen in Scarsdaleor Love, Death, and the SATsby Paula Marantz Cohen Reviewed June 30, 2006.
St. Martin’s Press, Available at Sembach Library (MCN F COH). Here’s yet
another derivative
of a Jane Austen story. Jane Austen in
Scarsdale loosely follows the plot of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, one of my
favorites. Anne Ehrlich
is a high school
guidance counselor at I started
laughing as soon as
I read the first page of the prologue—though I’m glad I didn’t read it
at the
start of my son’s senior year! A speaker
has come to “‘Push’ means
you do what it
takes to make your kid crack the books. You
nag, you bully, you threaten. Enough with
the “Sweetie, wouldn’t it be nice if you did
homework?” You gotta say:
“Do your homework, buster, or you’re never
going to get season tickets to the play-offs or own a Porsche.”’ As for the
second, “P,”
“Package,” “Here’s where you make the colleges sit up and pay attention. I once took a kid who never got off the couch
and got him into Haverford. Gave him a
political spin and turned him into the Westchester Gandhi.” Anne,
fortunately, has a
sense of humor about all this. She
honestly wants to help the students find the schools that are best for
not necessarily best for their parents. A new kid is
starting his
senior year at Fenimore. He’s grown up
abroad with his mother and his uncle—who happens to be Ben Cutler, the
man Anne
was in love with thirteen years before. Her
beloved grandmother didn’t think he had the right
background or
enough ambition. He seemed to be content
to work as a clerk in a travel agency the rest of his life. Now, however,
Ben is
back. He’s the rich and famous author of Cutler’s Travel Guides. Anne remembers
him all too well—and that she’s never met another man to compare with
him. She tries to adjust to the fact that
he comes
back with a fiancé in tow. Those who
have read Jane Austen’s Persuasion
will pretty much know what’s going to happen. They
will love it that, where the original
book had a young lady have an accident in the city of Lyme Regis, this
book has
a young lady come down with Lyme disease. However, even
if you haven’t
read that story, this book is a delightful romantic comedy. Of course with my son a graduating senior, I
loved all the humor about getting college applications ready. Anne Ehrlich, like Anne Elliott, is a
sensible, practical person with a love that doesn’t die easily. Believe it or not, it’s been a long time
since a book kept me up reading until the early hours of the morning,
but this
one sure did. Copyright © 2006 Sondra Eklund. All
reserved. |