Hide and Go Beak
Review posted February 9, 2025.
Pixel + Ink, 2022. 88 pages.
Review written May 6, 2022, from a library book.
Starred Review
Here's a silly and fun book about a chicken named Chirpy who wants to go beyond the coop. When she gets the chance to sneak out, she follows the children Randy and Andy onto the big yellow bus to go to school. Once there, she catches a ride on a rolling backpack.
Chirpy rolled into a room full of kids.
Which made her wonder:
At home kids stayed outside the coop.
Chickens stayed inside the coop.
Could school be a kid coop?
If someone saw Chirpy in a kid coop, would they make her leave?
Hmmm. . . .
Chirpy needed a hiding place, just like when the chicks played hide and go beak in the coop.
While Chirpy is hiding in the classroom, she learns basic principles of simple machines.
And when she goes home, those principles may be exactly what the chickens need to catch a fox!
The author and illustrator weren't going for plausible in this book, but it sure is fun to read. Chirpy the curious chicken, excited about learning everything she can, earns her title of Mathemachicken.
At the back of the book, there are instructions for making your own simple machine, a Whirly-Swirly Wheel-and-Axle Toy. While following Chirpy's adventures, kids may learn things themselves. The book is marked as Book One, so I'll be watching for more.