How James Earl Jones Found His Voice
Review posted November 12, 2024.
Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. 48 pages.
Review written November 8, 2024, from a library book.
Starred Review
2024 Sonderbooks Standout:
#4 Children's Nonfiction
Ode to Grapefruit is an exquisitely illustrated picture book biography of James Earl Jones, the actor who gave us the voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa and so many other memorable characters.
The book begins with a scene of James in school, hoping the teacher won't call on him, and then kids laughing when his words "get stuck." We learn that James could speak just fine to the animals on the farm at home, but around people, whatever he tried wouldn't get the words out. So he decided not to talk, just to listen. He was quiet for years.
In high school, he had a professor who loved poetry. He urged James to write his own poetry, and recite it aloud - and it turned out that when he was speaking in the rhythm of poetry, his stuttering wasn't a problem.
While still a student, James went on to do public speaking in the theater and in debate and won a college scholarship. He still stuttered sometimes, but the main text of the book finishes this way:
After eight years of silence,
James found his voice,
low and booming,
beyond the dark side of fear.With patience and practice,
the legendary sound
of James Earl Jones
would soon be known
around the world.
I love the way this book uses simple language that younger kids can understand to tell this inspirational story. The text and pictures focus in on key episodes instead of trying to give a grand overview, and that serves the message well of all that James Earl Jones overcame.
This picture book has a large size, and I love the way James Earl Jones' eyes, almost as distinctive as his voice, hold the gaze of the reader even when he was young. Oh, and "Ode to Grapefruit" was the name of that first poem James wrote and recited - the poem that changed everything for him.