Marie Curie, Bronia D?uska, and the Atomic Power of Sisterhood
Review posted April 27, 2023.
Alfred A. Knopf, 2023. 36 pages.
Review written March 31, 2023, from a library book.
Starred Review
I've read several books about Marie Curie, but I had never heard about her older sister Bronia who made her career possible.
And Marie also made Bronia's career possible. This picture book explains that the sisters made a pact.
Yet, to achieve their dreams, Marie and Bronia needed to study in a real university, one that accepted women, like the Sorbonne in Paris, France.
But how could they possibly pay?
They concocted a plan:
Bronia would start at the Sorbonne immediately, while Marie would work as a tutor to pay for Bronia's education.
When Bronia finished, they would switch. Marie would start, and Bronia would pay.
Marie and Bronia made a pact!
The book goes on to tell about both their lives and how they helped each other at crucial times.
Besides Marie's stellar achievements, which most of us have heard about before, we learn that Bronia and her husband founded a hospital in Poland. And the x-ray machines that Marie developed were used there.
I love that this book about sisters is illustrated by twin sisters. The lovely illustrations make heavy use of scientific symbols, giving wonderful effects.