Review posted December 4, 2024.
Star Bright Books, 2022. 32 pages.
Review written December 23, 2022, from my own copy, purchased via amazon.com.
Starred Review
This is a very simple picture book about raking leaves -- which intentionally incorporates early math concepts. I read it for the Mathical Book Prize, though first thought of it simply as a nice story for Autumn. There's a note at the back to parents and caregivers about the mathematics of measurement you'll find here -- and yes, it uses all of those concepts in a natural way that adds to the story.
The story is simple and lovely. A girl named Camille is bundling up with her Daddy and toddler brother to rake leaves. She plans to rake a pile of leaves that's up to her knees.
The pictures of the family raking are joyful and bright. Each family member has a rake appropriately sized for them and makes a matching pile. The raking sounds they make are swush, swish, and sweeeeee.
There are obstacles to Camille's plan -- twigs and acorns clog up the rake. Her little brother steals leaves from her pile. And the wind comes with a big whoosh. But Camille progressively makes a pile that comes to her ankles, to the tops of her boots, and finally up to her knees -- perfect for jumping into!
The complete package is a sweet story that will get your preschooler thinking about comparing and measuring.