We Have a Plan!
Review posted January 21, 2015.
Candlewick Press, 2014. 40 pages.
Starred Review
Chris Haughton’s books are tailor-made for storytime. His style is distinctive and unusual – but the bold and bright colors will show well in the front of the room. And the repetition will have kids quickly chanting along.
The situation is four friends going through a forest. The littlest one sees a lovely red bird. He says, “Hello, Birdie.” The others shush him with the words from the title.
Their plan?
tiptoe slowly
tiptoe slowly
now stop. SHH!
ready one
ready two
ready three . . .
The pictures show the three sneaking up on the bird with a net, and then landing in a confused heap while the bird flies serenely away.
The same pattern continues a total of three times, with results that will set kids laughing. Finally, the littlest one uses another approach, with very different results.
This is a book that children will quickly learn to “read” themselves. Definitely fun – and there’s also an opportunity for them to notice that bread works better than nets.