Review posted March 10, 2025
Listening Library, 2025. 13 hours, 44 minutes.
Review written March 4, 2025, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review
Fabulous news! The Crimson Moth series is a duology! So we don't have to wait for another volume!
And she pulled off a very satisfying conclusion to the story.
Once again we've got the conflict of a witch and a witch hunter in love with each other, but on opposite sides. In fact, the book starts out with Gideon planning to assassinate Rune on the distant island where she fled. He's jealously watching her at the party where her engagement to a prince is being celebrated. But Gideon hesitates...
And one thing leads to another, and they end up traveling together back to their home island - with neither one in good graces with their ruler. They're basically each planning to betray the other... or are they?
Who's in danger and what they're planning seems to go back and forth in this book, but I appreciated that it was all in a way that made sense to me as a listener. The trouble is that both sides in the conflict have a ruthless, terrible leader, so we don't root for either leader to succeed - but we do root for Gideon and Rune's love to somehow win out.
And I probably shouldn't say a lot more about the plot. There's lots of death and danger, and, yes, some sex, and Rune and Gideon each find allies and enemies in surprising places.
And I'm so glad the author didn't leave our heroes in danger, waiting for another installment!