Review posted August 2, 2013.
Macmillan Audiobooks, 2012. 11 CDs, 13.5 hours.
Another Piece of My Heart is chick lit for grown-ups, which I suppose I should give the label "women's fiction." The story begins with a woman who got married late in life and is dealing with facing the fact that she's not going to get pregnant. Add to her troubles a truly awful teenage stepdaughter, and she's not sure if she's going to be able to stick it out, even though she loves her husband.
The story continues with more perspectives, including the stepdaughter, and even the view of the alcoholic first wife. There are complications when Emily, the stepdaughter, gets pregnant.
This audiobook was read by the author. Since the author has a British accent but the book is set in California, that seemed a little odd -- but I am never one to complain about a British accent, and listening to the author's delightful voice kept me listening toward the beginning when I wasn't sure I was terribly interested. (That was a brief moment toward the beginning when I was afraid the main character was going to cheat on her husband. She didn't, and I never was tempted to quit again.)
In spots the book did go on a little longer than it might have. But overall, it was a richly layered story about what it means to be a family and about the negotiations that go into giving your heart.