
Sonderbooks Info

Welcome to Sonderbooks!

I'm a librarian and book lover who also loves math, knitting, and theology. I've been writing reviews on this website since 2001 and blogging since 2006. I've built a lot of content in that time, so this page is to help you find some features you might not have even known to seek out.

July 17, 2023

Today I added a page called Exploring Universalism, which lists all my reviews of books defending Universalism, that God will (eventually) save everyone.

Happy Reading!

—Sondra Eklund

Book Reviews

The Sonderbooks main site lists reviews by type of book alphabetically, with recent reviews at the top of each page. Great for finding your next book to read for yourself or your kids.

The Sonderbooks Blog posts reviews in the order they're published, with additional book-related posts.

Sondermath lists math-related books for every age level, birth to adult.

Lists reviews of books about universalism.

Reviews from 2001 to 2006, before I redesigned my website.

Author Pages
I try to link all reviews to other books by the same author. With my favorites, when it gets unwieldy, I'm making them a page.

Christian Writing

Sondermusings is my new Substack collecting my writings about my faith.

More Blogs

Thoughts on the journeys of life. These are musings on my life and my faith.

Great quotations from books I'm reading. With photos. Mostly, but not all, quotations are from Christian books.

My Sonderquotes Pinterest board is a nice place to browse all the quotes as memes.

Blog Series
Some notable blog series I've written on Christian topics for my Sonderjourneys blog.

I've written an as-yet-unpublished book called Praying with the Psalmists, a complete study of Psalms, telling how they've touched my life's journey and encouraging the reader to write their own psalms of prayer. These posts give example psalms I've written. I'd love to get examples from readers in the comments.

The Transcending blog series explores why I believe that churches should affirm and welcome transgender people, and why I believe that's the Biblical response.

This series looks at the New Testament from my perspective as a universalist, and shows why I believe the Bible supports this view.

My response to the documentary series Shiny Happy People, coming from my own membership in a big family and attendance as a child at Bill Gothard's seminars.

Various thoughts about faith that I hope might be encouraging.

More Fun

#Sonderbooks25 is a series of blog posts celebrating my 25th year of writing Sonderbooks by revisiting each year's Sonderbooks Stand-outs.

Sonderknitting is a gallery of my mathematical knitting, as well as coloring pages, videos, and other cool mathematical visualizations.

Sonderling Sunday is a blog series where I look at German translations of various children's books, sort of a very silly phrase book for unusual travelers.

My Story

Project 52 is the blog series I wrote when I was 52, every week blogging about one year of my life.

The Project 52 Landing Page puts the blog posts from Project 52 in order, making them easier to read than the blog. Unfortunately, it's not yet complete, so I'm listing both.

When I was 47 years old, I had a cerebellar stroke a month after I'd unwittingly suffered a vertebral artery dissection after my neck jerked when sleeping on a plane. There's not a lot on the internet about those rare experiences, so my Medical Adventures blog series tells how it was for me.

Librarian Blog Series

Newbery Notes are blog posts written during the amazing year I got to serve on the 2019 Newbery Committee.

Notes on various library conferences I've attended over the years.

Support & Subscribe

All content on Sonderbooks is offered free of charge.

I am an Amazon associate, so I do get a tiny commission if you order books through my site, but I'm equally happy if you check out books from the library.

Because I am hoping to find a publisher for my book Praying with the Psalmists, the best way you can support me is to help me build my platform by subscribing to my substack and/or my blogs and share with your friends.


Sondermusings Substack links to my Christian writings, reviews, and quotes

Sonderbooks Blog All my reviews and book-related posts

Sonderjourneys Blog Thoughts about my life and my faith

Sonderquotes Blog Great quotations from my reading, with photos