At least one great blue heron likes to frequent my lake. When I first moved here, rather new at being divorced, a friend urged me to look up the “spirit meaning” of herons. Supposedly they represent self-reliance, balance, navigating life’s difficulties with grace. Sounds good!
This month something happened that got me feeling down and alone.
And then I started seeing lots of great blue herons.
On my trip to Chincoteague and Assateague, I hoped to see ponies (and eventually did) – but saw great blue herons each day:
After I got home, when it stopped raining, the first time I took a walk around my lake, there was a heron again.
Then three out of four days this week, when I looked out my window at breakfast, there was a heron. I didn’t even have breakfast at the same time each day.
And finally, I went for another walk around my lake today and saw another one.
I decided I don’t have to feel alone. I can focus on self-reliance and balance. And whatever comes next, I’m going to be able to navigate it with grace.
And besides, it’s really fun to see so many of these beautiful birds!