243. Reminders

I got hit with the lonelies today.

I’m not sure completely why. Partly is that I’m going to spend extra time this weekend alone, reading.

Partly was still the aftermath of some public accusations on Facebook.

Partly was something or other got me missing being married.

Anyway, I did get some reminders that the Lord is still with me and life is still good.

One was talking with an acquaintance and sharing our stories — and how much God has showed up for each of us.

Another was remembering how friends rallied round and affirmed me after the accusations.

Another was looking at the visual mission statement I made and put on my computer, reminding me who I am.

Another was singing some songs at church that have been meaningful for a long time.

God is good, and He surrounds me with His love.

242. Good Books, Good Friends, Silent Book Club

I’ve listed all of these things before — perhaps if I put them together, I can make a new listing?

I was feeling a little discouraged after having my water heater replaced. That’s a big thing to deal with “by myself” (not that I was ever really alone), and had an emotional aftermath.

But Silent Book Club was just the thing to take away any residual bad feeling. I’m reading such very good books! And I have such good friends! (We even had two new people today.)

I realized that I have NINETEEN favorite books already this year that I will consider nominating for the Newbery. I only get to nominate seven, beginning in October — but how wonderful that I’ve read that many wonderful books!

240. Adulting

Today I had to deal with a small household emergency – a complete power outage of my entire condo – but not anyone else in my building. No one was going to deal with it for me.

I’m not happy with how long it took me and how many calls I made.

But now I have the relevant phone numbers in a place I can easily find them.

And now I know where the entire-condo circuit breakers are located.

And I got a tiny bit better at adulting.