A More Beautiful Faith
Reviewed July 27, 2020, from my own copy
CWRpress, 2019. 252 pages.
Starred Review
2020 Sonderbooks Standout:
#4 Christian Nonfiction
A sequel to his wonderful book, A More Christlike God, here Bradley Jersak takes a look at how Christians live out their faith – and how they can be more like Jesus as they do.
This work rests on the foundation that God is a God of love, and that Jesus displayed that. Within that, he looks at some counterfeit ways of doing Christianity, and then seven facets of a more beautiful faith: Radical self-giving, radical hospitality, radical unity, radical recovery, radical peacemaking with radical forgiveness, radical surrender, and radical compassion with radical justice.
He presents the Jesus Way as a journey – not something anyone will ever accomplish perfectly. This means that every Christian can find something to work on in this book.
I love his Finale. He took passages from Isaiah, from Micah, and from Jesus' words to tell us about the dreams our Abba dreams for us.
Our focus is to be single-minded and clear-eyed on Abba’s dream for our world as our first agenda. Our now agenda.
It has nothing to do with grandiose claims of outer-galactic revivals or “the next big move of God.” It’s about watching the mustard seed grow by Grace and participating in what Grace is up to . . .
One poor person at a time,
One naked person at a time,
One prisoner at a time,
One stranger at a time,
One hospital visit at a time.