How to Relax About Money and Everything Else
Reviewed December 1, 2009.
A Fireside Book (Simon & Schuster), New York, 2002. 206 pages.
As I write this review, it strikes me as ridiculously silly, utterly hilarious that I tried to save the $12.48 Amazon.com price by using the library's copy. SARK's books are colorful, creative, and meant to be written in! In a book about prosperity, why am I so stingy, that I will not spend $12.48 to release my own creative spirit? I guess I really needed this book!
Prosperity Pie is, as the subtitle says, all about relaxing. She talks about prosperity, about resources. It contains SARK's "inventions and discovery systems for expanding your feelings of prosperity, with examples of old patterns transforming into new ones."
Mostly, it is an active companion to your own journey of prosperity. This book will serve as a sturdy walking stick, a self-love magnifier, and a kind, wise friend who tells you:
You are enough
You have enough
You do enough
And then bring you chocolate
(Please realize that those words are written artistically and beautifully on the page.)
If you can use that sort of kind and wise friend, this is the book for you.
Now that I have finished reading it, I am going to order my very own copy with the link in the sidebar of this page!