Volumes 1 & 2
250 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories
Review posted March 22, 2009.
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 2003. 308 pages.
My Mom taught me to love hymns when I was a girl. She made sure our family had a copy of the church hymnal. My sister and I used to while away long drives by singing hymns. We used to kneel at the two back windows of our van (oh horrors, without seatbelts!) and sing out the back window. With all the noise of the car, it felt like no one could hear us but each other, and we could sing our little hearts out with the wind blowing in our faces.
So I thought Then Sings My Soul is the perfect book for morning devotions. Each two-page spread has a hymn on one page, and the story behind the writing of that hymn (or perhaps a story of someone touched by the hymn) on the facing page.
Not only are the stories inspiring, but the book also has a wonderful selection of old classic hymns. As the author says in the introduction,
Hymns connect us with generations now gone. Each week millions of Christians in local settings around the world, using hymns composed by believers from every era and branch of Christendom, join voices in united bursts of praise, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts to the Lord.