Six Slurpy Stories
Review posted December 9, 2012.
Philomel Books, 2012. 40 pages.
My friend has told me that her favorite picture books are those where someone gets eaten, and now I am alert for such books and always show them to her. But I have to admit that there were already several among my favorites before I ever met her. I've even started a board on Pinterest highlighting these bloodthirsty -- but so funny -- books.
With a title like Frog and Fly, that someone gets eaten should not come as a surprise. Though the title should actually be Frog and Flies. Let's just say that this isn't one of those stories-about-two-unlikely-friends books.
The cartoon illustrations are accompanied by simple sentences in word balloons, with plenty of repetition. For example, one story goes like this (except no explanation of who is speaking, with the words in speech bubbles telling that clearly):
Zip! The fly lands on a dog and says, "Good morning, Dog."
The dog says, "Yuck! Shoo, Fly!"
Zip! The fly lands on a hog and says, "Good morning, Hog!"
The hog says, "Yuck! Shoo, Fly!"
Zip! The fly lands on the frog and says, "Good morning, Frog!"
"Yum! Good morning, Fly!"
All of the stories have that kind of simple kicker ending. And the final story? Well, let's say that the Frog finally gets his comeuppance.
Beginning readers will thoroughly enjoy this book, and I have a feeling it will also go over great at storytime with preschool to early elementary age listeners.