Review posted November 4, 2011.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2011. 30 pages.
In June, I got to see Tomie dePaola receive the Laura Ingall Wilders Medal for his substantial and lasting contribution to children's literature. I was struck by the fact that he's a man who radiates love and joy. In this lovely little book, you can share some of that joy with your young children.
The text in this book is very simple and overtly religious, with pages that say things like this:
Dogs, cats, all animals and creeping things on earth, praise God.
The colorful pictures show the parts of creation named as they praise and bless God. I love that an outstanding children's illustrator created this book for a big commercial publisher. This is a lovely little book for parents of any religion that worships God to share with their young children.
It's simple. It's joyful. It's lovely.
Praise God!