110. Quiet Beautiful Things
This morning I was reading in the Bible about the Battle of Jericho. It occurred to me that it’s easier to see what God is doing in my life when there’s big drama going on. “My son just moved out.” “I’m interviewing for a job in Oregon.”
I’m not sure how long it will last, but for now there’s not big drama in my life. Yet — there are many things I’m excited about. Quiet, Beautiful Things. Things that God has brought into my life and that are His special blessings to me.
Today, it’s simply getting to go play games with friends — friends I’ve only known a couple years, but whose company I enjoy tremendously. Tomorrow, it’s going to be getting to teach Scratch programming in a playful way.
And there are lots more things coming up.
And I hope I will remember to notice them.
“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Green pastures are lovely at times, too.
And may I not forget to be thankful.