120. A Word from God.
In the last 11 years, since my marriage fell apart, I’ve learned to listen for God’s voice (metaphorical) and what He has to say to me. I’ve learned to dare to believe that He will speak specifically to me and have a word for my situation.
Now, I thought for a long time that God was telling me that my husband would come back and I should wait for him.
If I was wrong about that, does that mean I’m not hearing God’s voice at all?
But I’ve been thinking about that lately — I’d been asking God about something else, something personal. Did I even dare believe what I thought He was saying? Since I’d been wrong about the other?
And God’s answer again involves waiting — Am I hearing right?
(But I’d been thinking. Even if I was wrong about the eventual outcome, the *action* I felt God was asking for back then, 11 years ago — to wait — was a good thing.)
Today, in the sermon, a verse was mentioned — and posted up on the screen — that was one of the first verses I believed God gave me for my husband.
In fact, I had even closed my Bible, opened it and pointed! I was that far gone in wanting direction. I had prayed specifically for a verse for him. (This was 11 years ago.)
And I’m not going to get specific on a public post. But this is also a verse that I have never, ever before heard mentioned in a sermon.
When it was mentioned, my first thought was — Is God telling me this verse still applies?
And the section of the sermon was called “God’s Apparent Delay.”
And then, in the next sentence — the preacher gave an interpretation of God’s delay (in the sermon context) that cast a whole new light on that verse.
And that new light applied to my life and what I’m waiting on God for today. But it *also* fit with the previous situation and showed me why waiting was important back then.
It was amazingly specific — and convinced me that God was speaking directly to me.
(If friends want more details, you can ask me.)
And WOW! That’s a blessing.