Review posted November 28, 2011.
Boxer Books, 2008. 28 pages.
Starred Review
I was very surprised to realize I hadn't reviewed this book yet. It's been a favorite Storytime choice of mine ever since I found it in the New Books section in 2008. It's absolutely perfect for toddlers and young preschoolers. They are generally quite good at animal sounds, and this throws in a nice twist.
Here's how it begins:
Little Rabbit sat in the farmer's field.
"Moo," said Little Rabbit. "Moo."
"Why are you saying moo?" asked Calf. "You're not a cow."
"I like moo," said Little Rabbit, "and rabbits don't have a big noise."
"Can you make other noises?" asked Calf.
"I like baa," said Little Rabbit.
"So do I," said Calf.
You can guess how the book goes from there. The two cute little animals Baa together and a lamb comes to investigate... and so on. At the end, all the animals declare their favorite sounds, and Little Rabbit makes a surprising choice that will provide a laugh.
This is a happy book, with cute baby animals doing silly things and making the "wrong" sounds. Like I said, it's a fantastic choice for Storytime, and would also be great for sharing with a little one who has mastered animal sounds and knows how the world works. They will especially enjoy the twist.