Today was the third of three programs that TechShop DC/Arlington has done for us at the City of Fairfax Regional Library. There was a vinyl cutting program where the kids learned to create stickers on the vinyl cutter, Sphero Robotic Ball Racing where the kids made an obstacle course from cardboard and then ran the robot spheres through it, and today Computer Deconstruction where the TechShop folks brought in two old computers and lots of tools and showed the kids how to take them apart and how they work inside.
All of the programs were fantastic. I’m jazzed that we were able to bring them to kids.
Today it delighted me to see the kids start out kind of reserved and holding back…
But once the drill came out…
They got more and more engaged.
I simply loved seeing them get better and better at figuring out how to take each next layer apart. They were having a fantastic time; they were feeling empowered; and they were discovering really cool stuff deep inside the computers!