Review posted August 28, 2018.
Peachtree, 2016. 32 pages.
Starred Review
Review written in 2017
Here’s a fun twist on the Frog Prince fairy tale. Three princesses live in a castle. The two older ones love fairy tales and argue about who would treat a frog prince better.
Princess Martha rolled her eyes. She liked facts more than fairy tales and real frogs more than enchanted ones.
But a clever frog has been listening to the princesses talk. He figures out a clever scheme for getting the princesses to let him sleep in a soft bed and eat fine foods. Just tell them he’s a prince!
The two older princesses fall for it! They treat the frog like the prince he claims to be.
Martha has more insight. And she brings the story to a surprising conclusion that left me with a big smile.
A very fun story. And remember: Just because it’s in a book doesn’t mean it’s true!