My Epic Germany Trip – Day 2 – Morning at Tagungskloster Frauenberg

June 12, 2024! I woke up in Germany, for the first time in 18 years. Last time, I posted about how I got there. I had stayed in the Tagungskloster Frauenberg – a beautiful monastery on a hill in Fulda – in order to make my drive to Leipzig on Wednesday shorter. I was happy that I felt well-rested, and wasn’t worried about the four-hour drive.

But first was breakfast – which always seems to be included in European hotels. I wasn’t in the mood for an egg, and something on the menu called “Bircher Müsli” with fruit salad caught my eye.

When it came, I can’t even tell you how good it was.

I googled Bircher Muesli later to try to figure out what I’d eaten. Apparently the base is oatmeal soaked overnight in fruit juice. But I also noticed grated apples and other good things in there. It was so, so good and completely hit the spot. It turned out to be my favorite meal of all the ones I had in Germany.

I didn’t have to check out until 11:00, so I took a little time walking around the Kloster. First, I took a look inside the chapel.

But then I found this bench overlooking the valley and had a nice little devotional time, just marveling that I was really here, in Germany, ready for an adventure.

Of course besides my phone (with Bible), book and journal, I had my camera with me as well. Here are some pictures from that inspiring spot.

The weather, by the way, was perfect. I think the highest the temperature ever got was 75 degrees (how I like it), and that first morning was sunny and breezy and beautiful. (This is how I remember June weather in Germany, too.)

And then it was time to pack up my bags, bring them back down the stairs to my car, and set off toward Leipzig, with a first stop almost exactly halfway in Eisenach at the Bachhaus – to keep it a Bach themed vacation. I set out with a light heart and a big smile.

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