Our pastor is doing a series on Finding Jesus, and today’s topic was Simplicity of Identity.
Alyssa got up and talked about all the different ways we find our identity — from our physical qualities, our job, our hobbies, what our friends say, to quizzes on Facebook. Then they showed this music video:
Pastor Ed’s sermon was from John 6. When we read John 6, we can see how secure Jesus was in his identity and how firm he was about it. And Jesus’ identity is firm and secure because of his connection with the Father.
But the point of John’s biography isn’t to help us identify Jesus. It’s to help us find our identity in Jesus.
Jesus doesn’t ask for us to understand him — He wants us to come to him, to eat and drink of him.
In our lives, we have identity indicators and identity anchors. My identity will be secure if my anchor is my connection to Jesus.
The only way to get free from the crippling identity messages that come at us is to find our anchor in Jesus.
I was especially touched by this sermon because before and after they sang a song that was sung at my wedding — “Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.”
But my marriage ended badly, and many messages were flung at me that I was unlovable, a failure, and a cruel person.
But I had honestly prayed on my wedding day, “Take my love, my Lord, I pour at thy feet its treasure store.” Things didn’t work out the way I wanted them to, but what a nice reminder that God considers me His Beloved.
Beloved. We are beloved by God. He will never let us go.