My heart is full tonight. Tomorrow my youngest son, at 22 years old, is moving to Portland, Oregon, to look for a job.
It’s also 10 years since we left Germany, and moved to Virginia, and stopped living anywhere near my ex-husband, though the divorce didn’t happen until 4 years after that.
My oldest child went off to college right after we moved to Virginia, and never really came back.
So for ten years, it’s pretty much been Tim and me. Yes, I had lots of practice being without him — his times with his Dad and of course going off to college. But this move is much more permanent.
And I’ve raised a very fine young man.
He’s smart. He’s kind. He’s self-aware and emotionally intelligent. He’s an independent thinker who has a lot of empathy. He’s a creative thinker. He’s an introvert — which makes him a great person for another introvert to live with.
So I’m going to miss him — hugely.
But how tremendously blessed I have been these past ten years to have someone I love living with me. What a privilege it’s been to watch him grow up!
Sigh. It’s going to be great to watch him fly!