
Telling My Story

Personal Posts by Sondra Eklund

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My Story

The year I turned 52, I did Project 52 -- each week writing a blog post about one year of my life.

Since those posts are in a blog, it's hard to read them without starting from the beginning, so this page will be an index for all the posts, and I'll include some other posts about my story. So this page tells about who I am.

First, here's a summary of my story which I told at church in March 2015.

Year One: I turned 52 years old and began writing Project 52, telling about my first year, and the family I joined.

Year Two: We moved to Seattle.

Year Three: I don't remember much, but that year we moved to our house in Kent, which I do remember.

Year Four: We got a new baby sister.

Bonus Post with Pictures: More pictures from my first four years.

Year Five: Now it's a new baby brother -- and lots of strange little-girl memories.

Five Years Old: We moved to California.

Bonus Post about Books: I say more about books I loved then.

Six Years Old: First and second grade in California, a house in Carson, my first best friend.