Permission to Be Fabulous

Until a woman has given herself permission to be fabulous, she will not find herself with partners who promote her ability to be so. As long as she tears herself down, she will attract people who tear her down, she will find others who agree that she is undeserving and lacking as long as that is how she thinks of herself.

— Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth, p. 59

God’s Generosity

We cannot see the benevolence of God’s will for us because we do not expect benevolence. We expect God’s will for us to be niggardly. We so often see God as a miser, doling out the least possible benefit just to keep us quiet. We do not expect God to be generous. We do not expect God to fill our cup to overflowing. And yet, when we begin to work with prayers of gratitude, this is often the experience that we get: abundance. It is by counting our blessings that we begin to be able to see our blessings. It is by seeing our blessings that we begin to fathom the possibility that God could actually intend for there to be more of them. Gratitude gives us a glimpse of God’s good intentions.

— Julia Cameron, Faith and Will, p. 89

Real Belief

Is Christianity a system of articles of belief? Never. It would be better for a man to hold the most obnoxious untruths, opinions the most irreverent, if at the same time he lived in the faith of the Son of God, that is trusted in God as the Son of God trusted in him, than for him to hold every formula of belief perfectly true, and yet know nothing of a daily life and walk with God. The one, holding doctrines of devils, is yet a child of God. The other, holding doctrines of Christ is of the world — yes, of the devil.

To hold to a doctrine or an opinion with the intellect alone is not to believe it. A man’s real belief is that which he lives by. If a man lives by the love of God, and obedience to God’s law, as far as he has recognized it, then whatever wrong opinions the man holds are outside of him. They are not true, and they cannot really be inside any good man. At the same time, no matter how many correct opinions another man holds, if he does not order his life by the law of God’s love, he is not a child of God. What a man believes is the thing he does, not the thing he thinks.

— George MacDonald, Knowing the Heart of God, p. 20

Focusing on Our Abundance

It is perhaps the dominant human experience to always think “This is not enough.” We want more of all good things, and we ignore the fact that what we have is already enough, always. We want heaps of faith. We want heaps of worldly possessions. We want . . . It is the wanting that keeps us off-center and it is here again where prayers of gratitude begin to satiate the hungry heart. If we are saying “Thank you God for exactly what I have right now,” then we are less likely to be mentally demanding more. When we are focused on the abundance that we do have, then we are able to let go of needing always to have more. What we have is actually doing us quite nicely — if only we can see it, which we so often cannot.

— Julia Cameron, Faith and Will, p. 89

True Justice

A just man is one who cares, and tries, and always tries, to give fair play to everyone in everything. When we speak of the justice of God, let us see that we do indeed mean justice! Punishment of the guilty may be involved in justice, but it does not constitute the justice of God one atom more than it would constitute the justice of a man.

— George MacDonald, Wisdom to Live By, p. 197

Shine Like a Star

You need not apologize for being brilliant, talented, gorgeous, rich, or smart. Your success doesn’t take away from anyone else’s. It actually increases the possibility that others can have it too. Your money increases your capacity to give money to others, your joy increases your capacity to give joy to others, and your love increases your capacity to give love to others. Your playing small serves no one. It is a sick game. It is old thinking, and it is dire for the planet. Stop it immediately. Come home to the castle.

— Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth, p. 54