All parents of teenagers are besieged with setting limits, negotiating guidelines, and generally looking out for the well-being of their children. This is hard work. Worse, if the above becomes…
All parents of teenagers are besieged with setting limits, negotiating guidelines, and generally looking out for the well-being of their children. This is hard work. Worse, if the above becomes…
Before going further, remind yourself of some of the key dynamics at play in your teenager: extreme self-consciousness, idealized independence, and an abundance of ego. Now imagine how guilt plays…
When it comes to discipline (which at heart means to teach), there are two different, yet complementary, components: consequences and support. Teenagers need consequences to get them to consider and…
When teenagers let themselves fall short by failing to hold onto their integrity, they simultaneously have a tremendous opportunity to reaffirm themselves and their integrity. That is, without failures, they…
When your teenagers were kids, some relative or perhaps even your child’s pediatrician passed on to you the age-old wisdom of counting to ten before saying no to your children. …
We stay connected with our teenagers as they pursue their independence not by trying to make them compliant to our wishes but by staying focused on their developing mastery in…
Psychologists and various social scientists often talk about the theoretical concept of separation, and the need for adolescents to separate from their parents and families and establish their independence. Adolescence…