Letting It Go–To God

“Forgiveness is not defined by a feeling, although it will ultimately change our feelings. . . .  Forgiveness is our determined and deliberate willingness to let something go.  To release it from our possession.  To be willing and ready for it to no longer occupy us.  God is not asking us to let ‘it’ go haphazardly into the black hole of nonexistence.  Forgiveness means letting it go to God.  Letting it go from our power to His.  Forgiveness is the ongoing act by which we agree with God over the matter, practice the mercy He’s extended to us, and surrender the situation, the repercussions, and the hurtful person to Him.”

— Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word

God’s Steadfast Love

“Regardless of whether we feel strong or weak, we remember that our assurance is not based upon our ability to conjure up some special feeling.  Rather, it is built upon a confident assurance in the faithfulness of God.  We focus on his trustworthiness and especially on his steadfast love.”

–Richard J. Foster, Prayer:  Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 212

Prayer of Healing

“Second, we ask.  This is the step of faith.  As we come to clearness about what is needed, we invite God’s healing to come.  We speak a definite, straightforward declaration of what is to be.  We do not weaken our request with ifs, ands, or buts.”

–Richard J. Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 211

Never the Same

“Forgiveness is not acting as if things are just the same as before the offense.  We must face the fact that things will never be the same.  By the grace of God they can be a thousand times better, but they will never again be the same.”

— Richard J. Foster, Prayer:  Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 188