A Word from God

“When reading the Bible, people commonly experience a special ‘word in the Word,’ in which a particular passage seems to apply to an individual situation in a new way….  This ‘quickening of the Word’ encourages us that God is near and deeply interested in the particular circumstances of our lives.”

— Richard J. Foster, Prayer:  Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 137

God’s Steadfast Love

“Regardless of whether we feel strong or weak, we remember that our assurance is not based upon our ability to conjure up some special feeling.  Rather, it is built upon a confident assurance in the faithfulness of God.  We focus on his trustworthiness and especially on his steadfast love.”

–Richard J. Foster, Prayer:  Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 212

Prayer of Healing

“Second, we ask.  This is the step of faith.  As we come to clearness about what is needed, we invite God’s healing to come.  We speak a definite, straightforward declaration of what is to be.  We do not weaken our request with ifs, ands, or buts.”

–Richard J. Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 211