He First Loved Us.
We can be gracious because we are grateful. We can love because we have been loved. On the days when I believe, I know all this to be true. On…
We can be gracious because we are grateful. We can love because we have been loved. On the days when I believe, I know all this to be true. On…
It can be difficult for those of us living in a culture that prizes earning power above nearly everything else to understand that in the economy of grace, the currency…
We may wish for answers, but God rarely gives us answers. Instead, God gathers us up into soft, familiar arms and says, “Let me tell you a story.” — Rachel…
So perhaps a better question than “Do I believe in miracles?” is “Am I acting like I do?” Am I including the people who are typically excluded? Am I feeding…
The apostles remembered what many modern Christians tend to forget — that what makes the gospel offensive isn’t who it keeps out but who it lets in. — Rachel Held…
In all three stories, the point isn’t just that Jesus healed these people; the point is that Jesus touched these people. He embraced them just as he embraced other disparaged…
Jesus invites us into a story that is bigger than ourselves, bigger than our culture, bigger even than our imaginations, and yet we get to tell that story with the…
And yet the scandal of the gospel is that one day the God of our theology books and religious debates showed up — as a person, in flesh and blood.…
What happened on the cross has been the subject of wonder and debate for centuries, with Christians of good faith employing different metaphors and language to articulate its significance, but…
So when someone asks, “What is the gospel?” the best response is, “Let me tell you a story.” You might start with Abraham, Isaiah, or Luke. You might start with…