
What is your assignment from God?  To stand with Him, praying for the one you love to be released from the enemy’s control, coming back to the Lord, and coming back to you.  “It is too hard,” someone will say.  What is too hard?  Praying for and being faithful to the one you promised to love?

Do you realize that every word in the marriage vows… can be carried out while you stand?  They are the promises of one spouse to another, without the demand of anything in return.  For your prodigal spouse, away in the far country for a season, may you always say, “With God as my witness, I take you as my covenant spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death.  This is my solemn vow.”…

How many times a day do you think of your absent mate?  How often does something happen that will instantly remind you of the one you love?  Rest assured that you are coming to your prodigal’s thoughts just as often.  When you were married you became one flesh, a relationship that simply cannot be dissolved at will.  Your absent mate may wish you would drop from their memory, but God will never allow that to happen.

— Robert E. Steinkamp, The Prodigal’s Pen, p. 15-16

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