Review of The Pigeon Needs a Bath, by Mo Willems
by Mo Willems
Hyperion Books for Children, New York, 2014. 36 pages.
Starred Review
Another pigeon book! Hooray!
This one follows the pattern of the other books, with its own little twists. Once again, the child reader gets a taste of parental responsibility.
The book starts where the bus driver, dressed in a robe and hairnet, and with a towel over his arm, says, “Hi! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Pigeon is filthy. So, I could use your help, because: The Pigeon Needs a Bath!”
The pigeon is indeed filthy, as any child will readily agree. But he has plenty of arguments as to why he really doesn’t need a bath. And when even the flies think he smells too bad to be near, he has lots of complaints about water temperature and depth and amount of toys.
When he finally splashes into the tub, oh the joy! The final spread has a full page with TEN HOURS LATER, and then the Pigeon saying, “Can I stay in the tub forever?”
Yes, Mo Willems knows kids!
I had the privilege of reading this book to a 5-year-old girl who has Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! memorized. She was delighted. Another hit from Mo.
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Source: This review is based on a library book from Fairfax County Public Library.
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