Review of We Are Definitely Human, by X. Fang
by X. Fang
Tundra Books, 2024. 48 pages.
Review written August 29, 2024, from a library book.
Starred Review
This book is every bit as good as you would suspect by seeing the front cover. A book I had to share with my co-workers, it’s so much fun.
When Mr. Li wakes up in the night because of a loud crash, he goes outside with his dog and a flashlight and sees three creatures who greet him with the words, “Hello. We are DEFINITELY human.”
After some stares in both directions, we get this exchange:
“Okay, if you say so,” Mr. Li finally replied. “But what are y’all doing here?”
“Our . . . car . . . broke down, and we need materials to fix it,” said the tall one.
“It’s past midnight! There are no stores open now,” Mr. Li replied.
Disappointed, the three strangers turned to walk back into the dark night.
As they slink off toward the next page, a page turn gives us a reversal:
But Mr. Li was a kind human,
and he did what kind humans do.
He offered to help.
They spend the night at his house (to the surprise of Mrs. Li in the morning), have breakfast (doing bizarre things with food), tell about themselves (in suspect ways), and then go with Mr. Li to the store, as promised.
The people in the store thought there was something unique about the three visitors.
“Hello. We are DEFINITELY human,” announced the short one.
“They’re from Europe,” Mr. Li added.The people in the store were all kind humans,
and they did what kind humans do.
They offered to help the visitors fix their car.
Of course, the words in this story are fun, but the pictures of the strangers doing strange things make the book just perfect.
But I especially love the ending. Not to give it away, but my favorite line in the whole book is this one:
But wherever they went,
they would remember kind humans
and do what kind humans do —
offer help to those in need.
I can’t think of a better message to be found in such a delightfully silly picture book.
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