Review of Bibsy Cross and the Bike-a-thon, by Liz Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Dung Ho
Bibsy Cross and the Bike-a-thon
by Liz Garton Scanlon
illustrated by Dung Ho
Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. 112 pages.
Review written October 25, 2024, from a book sent to me by the publisher.
Bibsy Cross and the Bike-a-thon is a new beginning chapter book series about an irrepressible third grader named Bibsy Cross. This is the second one I’ve read.
In this book, Bibsy is excited about taking part in a “Bikes for Bucks for Books” event at the local library – so of course she got a fan here.
Bibsy forms a team with her best friend Natia, and is torn because she very much wants to win a prize for bringing in the most money for the library. Then on the day of the Bike-a-thon, things happen to mess up her plans.
I like Bibsy’s spirit – she has a tendency to raise her hand in class and share so much information that she tries the patience of her teacher. And I like the way her family shares “sweet-and-sours” at the dinner table – sweet things that happened and sour things that happened, and even ways the sour things have something sweet come out of them. And I love the way her parents are sympathetic about everything that happens to Bibsy, sweet or sour.
There are pictures on almost every page of this book, and not a whole lot of words per page, so this book is perfect for a kid building confidence in their reading.
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