Review of Making It So, by Patrick Stewart, read by the Author

Making It So

by Patrick Stewart
read by the Author

Simon & Schuster Audio, 2023. 18 hours, 50 minutes.
Review written August 16, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review

I have no idea what took me so long to get this audiobook listened to, except maybe that since it came out in October 2023 when I was busy reading for the Morris Award, I may not have put it on hold, and then forgot when that reading was done. Anyway, I finally made up for lost time – and what a treat!

Understand that I’m a big Star Trek: Next Generation fan. My then-husband and I watched the show avidly, beginning some time in the third season, I believe. And on one of our car trips from Illinois to Phoenix, Arizona, for Christmas in the early 1990s, we listened to an audiobook on cassettes of Patrick Stewart reading Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. That was in the days before I even listened to audiobooks, but that one had my rapt attention.

So when I learned that he’d written an audiobook and reads it himself, you better believe I wanted to listen to it! 19 hours of listening to Patrick Stewart’s voice? Yes, please!

So it was fun to learn that the accent I know and love is not the one he was born with. He grew up very poor in Yorkshire, and learned the “BBC” accent in theater school. Everything about his childhood was fascinating. He had an abusive father, yet both his parents supported him going to theater school, and he got a scholarship from the local community to attend. He blames Margaret Thatcher for the fact that such scholarships aren’t available to young aspiring actors today.

Of course, my favorite parts were him talking about acting on Star Trek: Next Generation. He barely knew what Star Trek was when he was suggested for the part, though his kids had avidly watched the original series and were duly impressed.

My least favorite parts were learning about him cheating on his first two wives, and I was prepared to be judgmental when I learned his third wife is younger than his son. But then I thought – wait a second, someone my age or younger is married to Patrick Stewart? Okay, I can believe that she’s in love with him. And why would he mind marrying a much younger woman? He kept mentioning her throughout the book, and is clearly happy and in love and still happily working in theater, always striving to accomplish more – and I can only be happy for him.

He’s lived – and is still living – a rich, full, and interesting life. It was a delight to get a window into all that he’s experienced.

The audiobook ended with an excerpt from A Christmas Carol. Made me want to listen to that audiobook all over again.

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Review of Nora Goes Off Script, by Annabel Monaghan, read by Hillary Huber

Nora Goes Off Script

by Annabel Monaghan
read by Hillary Huber

Penguin Audio, 2022. 6 hours, 57 minutes.
Review written July 29, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review

First, thanks to my friend, the librarian Amanda Sealey, for mentioning this author in a post. Yes, it’s an unashamed romance novel, and this book left me feeling happy – and also happy about my own life and my choices. So that’s a win!

Nora, our heroine in this story writes movie scripts for the Romance Channel. They always follow a formula and always turn out happy. The formula involves a big-city person meeting a person from the country and at first they butt heads, but they fall in love. Big City Person gets involved with the small community and helps with planning an important community event. But then BCP leaves, the one left behind is heartbroken – but something gives BCP an epiphany and they show up at the community event and they kiss and live happily ever after.

Well, this book didn’t *exactly* follow that pattern. But it was pretty darn close. All the same, there was enough introspection and thoughtfulness that it got me thinking about my own life and what love means and standing on your own and learning to let go and all sorts of other good things. And that made it rise above the formula for a win.

As the book opens, a movie company is taking over Nora’s yard and tea house to make a movie. But this time, it’s not for the Romance Channel. After Nora’s husband left her two years ago, she wrote a script about it, not following the formula, not bringing the guy back. And a big Hollywood producer picked it up. So two of the biggest stars in Hollywood are portraying Nora and her husband.

And then the big star sticks around. At first they butt heads, but soon fall in love. He starts helping with a community event – Nora’s fifth grade son’s play. Things are going according to the script, until they don’t.

A lot of the power in this book comes when Nora feels like she’s the kind of person people leave, and she figures out how to cope, with help from her friends. It hadn’t been as bad when her husband left, because things had died between them long before. Nora’s coping doesn’t come easily or flippantly, and I appreciated that.

I think it speaks well of the book that it got me thinking of my own life. My own divorce was much much harder, because I was very much still in love with my husband. For me, it’s now almost 20 years later, and it was nice to think about all the freedom I have as a woman on my own with a career I love – and I enjoyed that this book ticked off those reflections. I’m glad the romance part turned out happier for Nora, though!

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Review of Nine Liars, by Maureen Johnson

Nine Liars

by Maureen Johnson
read by Kate Rudd

Katherine Tegen Books, 2022. 11 hours, 2 minutes.
Review written August 3, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review

I’m happy that I’m caught up reading Maureen Johnson’s Stevie Bell books. They began with a trilogy, and teenager Stevie Bell looking into a long-ago mystery at Ellingham Academy, the elite private school she was attending in Vermont – with more people turning up dead in the present. After solving that mystery, Stevie has become internet famous as a detective. In The Box in the Woods, she solves another cold case at a camp over the summer – with new deaths, of course, and in this book there’s yet another cold case for Stevie to solve.

This time the mystery happened in England in 1995. In the present day, it’s November, and Stevie’s in school in Vermont, trying to keep a long distance relationship going with David, who is studying in London. Then he pulls strings to get Stevie and their friends a week in London in a custom study abroad program. No surprise that Stevie gets pulled into a cold case – this time it’s because of David’s English friend’s aunt. Also no surprise that not everyone involved in the present day investigation will stay alive.

I enjoyed the way the mystery was presented – with plenty of chapters taking us back to 1995 and the group of nine theater students who’d just graduated from Cambridge having a house party at a manor house – and having a wild time until two were found dead.

I know that Maureen Johnson has spent a lot of time in London, and her writing about the students in London brought me right back to London myself. I like the way she gives intriguing mysteries to these distinctive characters we’ve come to care about. So while you could read this book on its own – the mystery is self-contained – why would you want to tackle it without enjoying all the history of Stevie and David and their friends?

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Review of The Woman They Could Not Silence, by Kate Moore

The Woman They Could Not Silence

One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear

by Kate Moore
read by the Author

Blackstone Publishing, 2021. 14 hours, 37 minutes.
Review written August 1, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.

This book is both fascinating and horrifying. It’s the story of Elizabeth Packard, whose husband had her locked up in an insane asylum for three years beginning in 1860. It’s about her fight for her freedom, for custody of her children, and ultimately to reform laws and the treatment of the “insane.”

The story was hard to listen to, because Elizabeth was locked up basically because she developed religious views that disagreed with her pastor husband. And she was too vocal about them. Everything he did was completely legal, and he was able to have her committed to an asylum on his say-so. Even more horrifying was the later corroboration from the superintendent of the facility that he was convinced she was insane, because he based that assurance completely on her opinions, which he did not agree with.

Or another example of her obvious insanity was that she was angry with her husband – the same man who’d put her in the insane asylum when she was completely sane. Because it’s not “womanly” to hate your husband.

The book also told about the horrors of the asylum. At first, Elizabeth was in the best ward, but as punishment for speaking up, she got moved to a much worse situation and witnessed much abuse and many horrible things. Any letters she received or sent were confiscated. And she never had any idea how long she would be incarcerated.

Eventually, she was able to get a trial. The way the doctors used her ideas as proof that she was insane was chilling to me. It reminded me of present-day people telling transgender folks they are “confused” – indeed the book included a postscript about modern women being called insane or crazy for their political views.

After she was free, Elizabeth Packard went on to work to change the laws – so that women couldn’t be incarcerated on the word of their husbands, so that insane asylums had to be independently inspected, and many other issues. She was free, but she used her powerful voice to help the many others she’d seen who had been victims of the current system.

Not realizing the narrator was the author, I wondered why they picked a narrator with a British accent, but as usual I very much enjoyed listening to that accent. With the one bothersome detail that she didn’t pronounce “Packard” the way Americans do, putting more of an emphasis on the second syllable. But that was easily overlooked, as I enjoyed everything else about her reading. The book was obviously scrupulously researched – using Elizabeth’s own writings and other contemporary writings and reports to put together the whole story.

It was wonderful to learn about this true American hero, as well as sobering to learn the situation women could find themselves in only 160 years ago.

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Review of Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries, by Heather Fawcett

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries

by Heather Fawcett
read by Ell Potter and Michael Dodds

Random House Audio, 2023. 12 hours, 6 minutes.
Review written July 23, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review

This one is wonderful! Our main character is Emily Wilde, a young academic living in an alternate reality to ours where the main difference is that the faeries exist and can be studied. And Emily is writing the authoritative guide on the subject.

As the book opens, she is beginning her field work in the Arctic village of Hrafnsvik. She’s got a shack to stay in – if she can figure out how to chop the wood. But Emily’s not much of a people person, planning to spend her time out in the field, not socializing with the villagers. So she’s dismayed when she gets a letter at this remote place from Wendell Bambleby, her colleague at Cambridge whose work gets far more notice than hers, and she thinks it’s more than his annoying good looks that make this happen.

Emily has a breadth of knowledge of faeries and faerie stories that is unsurpassed, but no one has done field work among the Hidden Ones of this area before. She starts simply, by befriending a brownie but making mistakes with the people of the village. When Wendell Bambleby does show up at her door, he takes care of some problems, but adds new ones.

In spite of herself, Emily finds herself caring about the villagers. Can she use her knowledge of faerie to help some from the village who have recently been taken by the fae? But before the book is over, her actions get her into more and more trouble and she gets pulled ever more deeply into the faerie world.

The characters here are marvelous. I can relate all too well to Emily, more interested in her studies than the people around her. But then her vast knowledge of her subject serves her well. And could it be love sneaking up on her? The book felt a little dry at the start – because Emily introduced herself as an academic making field notes, but I got more and more absorbed until I was finding excuses to keep listening at the end. My next step is to put Book 2 on hold.


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Review of Royal Scandal, by Aimée Carter

Royal Scandal

by Aimée Carter
read by Kristen Sieh

Listening Library, 2024. 11 hours, 21 minutes.
Review written July 16, 2024, from a library eaudiobook
Starred Review

Royal Scandal is a sequel to Royal Blood, but left me frustrated because I’m going to have to wait to get a finish to the story.

In the first book, we learned about the alternate reality world of this book where King Edward VIII did not abdicate his throne to marry Wallis Simpson, and the history of the British monarchy has been completely different since then. Our protagonist is Evangeline Bright, known to her friends as Evan, the illegitimate daughter of the reigning King of England. She grew up in America, living with her grandmother and then in boarding schools. But at 18, she was brought to England and King Alexander acknowledged her as his daughter. And the furor that ensued was the topic of Royal Blood.

In this book, the scandal and chaos only deepens. Someone’s leaking information to the tabloids about the long failed marriage of the king and queen, and they don’t know where the leak lies.

But then things get deadly. The day after the assassination attempt against former President Trump, I listened to an episode in this book where someone shoots at Evangeline. Somehow that made it seem very real. And things escalate horribly even from there, with signs that a terrorist group is responsible. And someone seems to be trying to pin it on Evan.

But how can Evan fight the weight of public opinion? How can she possibly clear her name? And how can anyone get proof that it’s not her?

By the end of this tension-packed book, they’ve figured out who is responsible, but they don’t have details as to how, and they don’t have any proof. But Evan has a plan….

All I have to say is this author better hurry up and write the next book!

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Review of Cruel Beauty, by Rosamund Hodge

Cruel Beauty

by Rosamund Hodge
read by Elizabeth Knowelden

HarperAudio, 2014. 10 hours, 17 minutes.
Review written April 19, 2022, from a library eaudiobook
Starred Review

This is a Beauty and the Beast tale with complicated and beautiful world-building. I chose this audiobook because none of my audio holds were available and I wanted something to listen to while cleaning house. So I searched for books read by my favorite narrator, Elizabeth Knowelden. She makes any book a magical experience. As soon as I checked the book out, several of my holds were available all at once, but I was already hooked and finished this book before I was willing to look at any of them.

All her life, Nyx has known that when she comes of age, she will marry the Gentle Lord — and she must destroy him. She has been trained in just enough of the magical arts to make the Gentle Lord’s magical castle collapse in on him to free Arcadia forever. The catch is that she would be trapped as well. The Gentle Lord supposedly keeps the demons in Arcadia in check, but not always successfully. Since the time of the Sundering, Arcadia has been separate from the rest of the world with the Gentle Lord ruling over them. He makes bargains with people — bargains that pretty much always turn out badly for those who agree to them. Before her birth, Nyx’s father made a bargain for children, with the price that one of his twin daughters would have to marry the Gentle Lord on her 17th birthday. But he forgot to include that his wife would have the strength to bear children, and Nyx’s mother died in childbirth.

All her life, Nyx’s family has been preparing her for this task, but unsurprisingly, she’s not happy about it. She’s expected to avenge her mother and bring about the deliverance of Arcadia, but at the cost of her own life. When she gets to the Gentle Lord’s castle, nothing is as she had thought. She works on the plan to find the hearts of water, fire, earth, and air to negate them and bring down the castle, but as she follows this quest, she learns that’s not going to free Arcadia after all.

And it turns out there are two beasts in the castle. There’s the Gentle Lord, known as Ignafex, and his shadow-servant, Shade — who is only in human form at night. They share the same face, but Ignafex has eyes of a demon. Nyx needs to find out who they are and how they got there, or she’ll never be able to defeat the Gentle Lord — and there are questions and secrets and layers to everything.

I’m not sure if I would have enjoyed this book as much if I had read it myself, but as always, Elizabeth Knowelden cast a spell and enthralled me with this complex and dangerous world.

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Review of Anatomy: A Love Story, by Dana Schwartz


A Love Story

by Dana Schwartz
read by Mhairi Morrison and Tim Campbell

Macmillan Audio, 2022. 9 hours, 35 minutes.
Review written July 2, 2022, from a library eaudiobook.

Here’s an atmospheric tale set in old Edinburgh and read with a wonderful Scottish accent.

Hazel Sinnett is a young lady who’s always known she’s going to marry her cousin Bernard, a viscount. But she’s also always wanted to be a surgeon, studying her father’s books, even though it’s not a profession for a young lady.

When she tries to get into a demonstration at the Anatomists’ Society of a new gas that will put patients to sleep during surgery, a chance encounter with a Resurrection Man named Jack gives her a way to watch.

Jack Currer makes some money by digging up dead bodies and selling them to the Anatomists’ Society so they can study them. So when Hazel gets thrown out of the Anatomists’ Society because she’s a woman, but is challenged to try the exam anyway — she needs some corpses to study, and Jack can help.

But at the same time, they discover many of the corpses are mutilated, with body parts removed. And some of the Resurrection Men are going missing.

There are so many atmospheric undercurrents and warnings of danger and a touch of romance as Hazel must surmount numerous obstacles in order to become a surgeon.

With excerpts from an old medical textbook, I wondered how much of this was based on fact. Well, a lot of the setting is real, but by the end the reader realizes this isn’t actually quite our world that they live in. It’s certainly a dangerous one, though, and I was on the edge of my seat navigating it with Hazel.

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Disclaimer: I am a professional librarian, but the views expressed are solely my own, and in no way represent the official views of my employer or of any committee or group of which I am part.

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*Note* To try to catch up on posting reviews, I’m posting the oldest reviews I’ve written on my blog without making a page on my main website. They’re still good books.

Review of Ferris, by Kate DiCamillo


by Kate DiCamillo
read by Cherry Jones

Listening Library, 2024. 4 hours, 6 minutes.
Review written May 22, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.

You can’t go wrong with a Kate DiCamillo book. This one didn’t charm me as much as her recently published beginning chapter book, Orris and Timble, but it would be a wonderful book for a younger kid who’s ready for a true children’s novel.

In classic Kate DiCamillo fashion, we’ve got a set of quirky characters interacting in fun ways, where a small detail from the beginning of the story becomes crucial later in the story, and all the threads weave together by the end.

Of course the featured character is Ferris, a girl who’s just finished fourth grade and who was born under the Ferris wheel at the county fair. Her beloved grandmother is ailing and sees a ghost who wants them to light for the first time the chandelier in the dining room of their old house. Ferris’s uncle Ted lives in the basement, having separated from his wife Shirley, and endeavoring to paint the history of the world without much progress. Ferris’s father reads the encyclopedia for fun and insists there are raccoons in their attic. And Ferris’s sister dreams of getting her picture on a Wanted poster and takes steps to make that happen. Then there’s Ferris’s best friend, a piano player, and their teacher Mrs. Milk, who taught them wonderful vocabulary words, but is now bereft.

All of this adds up to a sweet story with lots of character and lots of heart, proving the wise saying that all good stories are love stories.

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Review of Thirsty, by Jas Hammonds


by Jas Hammonds
read by Alaska Jackson

Macmillan Young Listeners, 2024. 8 hours, 10 minutes.
Review written June 25, 2024, from a library eaudiobook.
Starred Review

You love to see it when a debut author wins an award for their first novel (in this case, the John Steptoe Award for New Talent for We Deserve Monuments) and then goes on to write a second book that’s even better. For both books, Jas Hammonds has shown great skill in creating characters, but this one found its way deeper into my heart.

In the summer after high school, Blake and her beautiful girlfriend Ella want nothing more than to get into the secret Serena Society for accomplished Black women. Ella’s mother is even still the advisor for undergraduates in the society, so she’s a sure thing. But Blake doesn’t have the connections, the clout, or the money of Ella’s family.

But Blake finds that she can be the life of the party – and impress the president of the Serena Society – when she drinks. She transforms into Big, Bad Bee, and she’s not afraid to be somebody.

When her best friend expresses concern about Blake’s drinking, her reaction is anger and defensiveness. But as the pledging process gets more intense, Blake ends up having a lot to grapple with.

I didn’t see myself in Blake. I went to a Christian high school and college and, believe it or not, we didn’t drink at parties. But Jas Hammonds skillfully pulls us into Blake’s perspective and we’re completely with her, understanding her pull to alcohol and her need to impress the richer kids around her. The author paints a picture of addiction that is sympathetic to Blake’s plight rather than condemning her. And not to give anything away, but I do like the way it resolves, both realistic and hopeful.

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