“It’s a sickness.”
“At least we all have it.”
That was my conversation with a stranger-I-just-met on the Exhibit Hall floor, talking about the free books we aren’t capable of resisting.
If you consider yourself a Book Addict — No ALA conference will ever cure you. And you’ll be surrounded by other Book Addicts confronted with piles of their drug of choice.
I DO want to proudly declare that yesterday, I did not step into the Exhibit Hall even once!
I know! Am I amazing or what?
However — today I went to a Scholastic Preview where they gave me a bag of six Advance Reader Copies. Combined with the four signed books I got yesterday and the books I’m going to get by going to the Morris Award ceremony — I know it’s already more than I can comfortably carry in my suitcase and carry on. (I could fit them, but I’m not supposed to carry heavy things.)
So — since I decided I needed to do another shipment — might as well make the shipment count! I went into the Exhibit Hall and began taking ARCs. In about two minutes, I’d filled my rolling bag. After about five minutes, both the bag and a tote bag were full.
The good news — There is a post office in the Exhibit Hall. The bad news is that it closes before the exhibits do, so you have to plan things carefully. But this is where my lightning-quick bag-filling came in handy. I had plenty of time.
And this is where the Book Addicts hang out. I had a nice conversation while waiting in line about our mutual problem. I even saw someone I’d encouraged yesterday about grabbing ARCs and told her you can ship them home. Always happy to Enable a new friend!
I should say that the employees at the Atlanta post office today were extra helpful! A man was putting boxes together for us and bringing around tape. I shipped two flat-rate boxes. I didn’t count how many books it was, but I will when I get back.
I like to use middle-grade ARCs as prizes for a games program. When the books are prizes, they are all the more valued, and may get read.
As my friend told me when I was shipping my first box, “It’s for the children!” I don’t have a problem at all….