It’s time for Sonderling Sunday! That time of the week when I play with language by looking at the German translation of children’s books, or, in this case, the German translation of an English classic, Pride and Prejudice, Stolz und Vorurteil.
I’ve taken a few weeks off from Sonderling Sunday due to a month-long headache, and I’m really glad to be back! During that time, I did some comfort reading, rereading this old favorite, so it’s a good time to choose this favorite for Sonderling Sunday. We already looked at Chapter One back in January, so I will start in on Chapter Two, Kapitel 2.
Let’s start with the first sentence, even though it’s nowhere as classic as the first sentence in Chapter One:
“Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley.”
= Mr. Bennet gehörte zu den ersten, die Mr. Bingley ihre Aufwartung machten.
(“Mr. Bennet belonged to the first, that Mr. Bingley their waiting made.”)
“disclosed” = enthüllt
“trimming a hat” = ihren Hut mit einem Besatz zu versehen
(“her hat with a trimming to equip”)
“resentfully” = ärgerlich (“annoyed”)
“assemblies” = Gesellschaften
“selfish, hypocritical” = egoistisch und scheinheilig
(“egoistic and appearing-holy”)
“scolded” = auszuschimpfen
“Have a little compassion on my nerves.”
= Nimm doch ein wenig Rücksicht auf meine Nerven.
“no discretion” = keinen Takt
This one we know from commercials:
“my own amusement” = meinem Vergnügen
“fretfully” = gereizt
Here’s the word from the title, Vorurteil, there translated from “prejudice.”
“advantage” = Vorurteil
“circumspection” = Umsicht
“But if we do not venture” = Aber wenn wir nicht den Mut dazu haben
(“But if we do not have the courage”)
“Nonsense!” = Unsinn!
“emphatic exclamation” = energische Protest
“deep reflection” = tiefe Betrachtungen
“something very sensible” = etwas sehr Verständiges
“astonishment” = Verblüffung
“neglect” = geringzuschätzen (“low-to-value”)
“a good joke” = ein hübscher Scherz
Here’s a nice long word:
“raptures” = Begeisterungsausbrüche (“enthusiasm outbreaks”)
“fatigued” = überdrüssig
“stoutly” = beherzt
“conjecturing” = mit Mutma?ungen darüber verbracht
That’s it for Chapter Two. A few fun new words to try to work into conversation. My favorite has to be the longest. The next time I’m excited about something, I will indulge in Begeisterungsausbrüche.