Review of Latinitas, by Juliet Menéndez


Celebrating 40 Big Dreamers

by Juliet Menéndez

Godwin Books (Henry Holt), 2021. 102 pages
Review written December 11, 2021, from a library book

I’m not a big fan of collective biographies. When there are page after page of short bios, the details start to run together. But this book is something special.

Latinitas has forty one-page biographies of Latinas who accomplished great things, with about half of each bio focusing on the subject’s childhood. There’s a folk-art style illustration of each subject as a girl, with a banner giving her name and what she’s known for. She’s holding things that symbolize her accomplishments.

Something I liked about this collection is that I hadn’t heard of a large proportion of these truly amazing woman. I am so glad their stories will become more well-known. They come from countries all over Latin America. The first woman featured, a military leader, was born in 1651 in Mexico, and the last one, an Olympic gymnast, was born in 2000 in the United States.

I hope many young Latinas find this book and are inspired!

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Disclaimer: I am a professional librarian, but the views expressed are solely my own, and in no way represent the official views of my employer or of any committee or group of which I am part.

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*Note* To try to catch up on posting reviews, I’m posting the oldest reviews I’ve written on my blog without making a page on my main website. They’re still good books.

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