Review of The Coquíes Still Sing, by Karina Nicole González, illustrations by Krystal Quiles

The Coquíes Still Sing

A Story of Home, Hope, and Rebuilding

story by Karina Nicole González
illustrations by Krystal Quiles

Roaring Brook Press, 2022. 40 pages.
Review written August 30, 2022, from a library book
Starred Review

This bright and beautiful picture book tells the story of a girl named Elena and her family who live in Puerto Rico. As the book opens, the girl is enjoying the mango tree outside their house, heavy with sweet fruit.

At night the coquí frogs in the tree and in the garden sing, “Co-quí, co-quí,” and Elena and her Papi sing back, “Co-quí, co-quí. Oh, how I love thee.”

But that night, the radio talks about a storm. Hurricane Maria is coming. The family shelters safe together in a closet, but the roof gets blown off their house. When they come out again, the mango tree has no fruit or leaves, and the coquí frogs are silent.

But this is a book about resilience and recovery. The community works hard and comes together, plants a garden, and makes repairs.

And to finish the story, some months later, the mango tree sprouts new leaves, and the coquí frogs sing again.

Six pages of back matter give details about Puerto Rico and the impact of Hurricane María, as well as work that still needs to be done.

Overall, this is a book of hope, created with a deep love for Puerto Rico that shines through.

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*Note* To try to catch up on posting reviews, I’m posting the oldest reviews I’ve written on my blog without making a page on my main website. They’re still good books.

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