by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2022. 419 pages.
Review written October 10, 2022, from a library book
Starred Review
See You Yesterday is a time loop novel. I’m not the best audience for time-travel books, because it’s pretty hard to convince me it could happen, but this book got me to read long into the wee hours of the morning to finish, so it did win my heart, even if my mind is still skeptical. Besides, it’s fun!
Barrett Bloom has a disastrous first day of college. She’s been looking forward to college giving her a new start after horrible bullying in high school. But she wakes up to the disappointed sounds of her high school nemesis assigned as her new roommate. In Physics class, a smart-aleck boy embarrasses her, she does a terrible interview for the school paper, and the day tops off with setting a frat house on fire. So imagine her horror when she wakes up the next day — and it’s not the next day. It’s the same day all over again.
But after a few times through September 21st, she discovers that someone else is trapped in the time loop, too. Miles, that boy in Physics class, actually lived September 21 sixty more times than she has. So maybe they can work together to get out of the loop?
At first, they don’t even like each other. But with weeks together and only one person can remember what you tell them? Yes, they start confiding in one another, understanding one another, and yes, falling in love. The romance in this book is just lovely — I like it when you can see they have reasons to fall for each other. And yes, the situation put them together, but as a reader, I was convinced that they’ll stick it out even if they can get out of the loop.
As for the physics of how the time loop worked and how to get out? Well, I wasn’t convinced. But who cares? It made for a super fun story, and a really well done slow-burn romance.
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