ALA Annual Conference 2024 – Trevor Noah and Exhibits!

I just finished attending the 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference!

Now my plan is to write up my notes and tell about the conference. But let me start out with telling the background.

June 10 to 21, I had spent celebrating my 60th birthday in Germany! I’d lived there from 1996 to 2006, and hadn’t been back in 18 years. So I had a fabulous trip, and had a week home to prepare and get some work done before going to ALA on June 28.

And then I got Covid.

I’m sure it was from the plane. (This is the second time I got Covid, and the first time was also after a long plane trip with a stop on the way.) On Sunday afternoon, I started having a few sniffles and a slight sore throat. Monday morning, it was still there, but I wasn’t even convinced it was a cold. Still, I’d been on a plane, so I decided to take a Covid test before going into work. I did the swab, set the timer, and forgot about it while making breakfast. When the timer went off, the test was clearly positive, and I was so upset!

I did start feeling worse. I spent the day in bed. The next day, I had a virtual appointment and got Paxlovid. I asked the doctor about going to ALA on Friday, and she thought I should go. And – a day after starting Paxlovid, I started feeling better. On Thursday my very small fever completely went away, the other symptoms were improving – so by CDC guidelines, I could go about my business, as long as I wore a mask.

I probably would have cancelled, except that:
— I would have had to pay back the Library Foundation Scholarship I’d been granted, and wasn’t sure I’d be able to get all my money back on registration and the flight and hotel.
— I was on the Morris committee this year and wanted to meet our winners and congratulate them in person.
— I was planning to see my sister who lives near San Diego after the conference and more siblings on the 4th of July and even meet my new 4-month-old nephew.

So I flew to San Diego on Friday, July 4th, and I have to say that everything worked out really well. Here was the view from my hotel room:

And the view of the Convention Center:

My flight was delayed about 45 minutes, and even with just a quick stop in my hotel room, I wasn’t in time for the start of the Opening Session with Trevor Noah, but I did get to hear the end of it.

Trevor’s an advocate for libraries. I don’t remember all he said, being in a bit of a daze after my flight. But he did speak about the power of libraries and books that aren’t trying to manipulate you and get clicks.

Next was the opening of the exhibits.

I have a neck condition (a small right vertebral artery) which means I shouldn’t carry heavy bags of books. So usually, I go to ALA Member Services, show my doctor’s note, and get permission to bring a wheeled bag on the exhibit floor. But now I have a job where publishers send advance reader copies to me directly. Surely I don’t need to grab so many at the conference? I decided not to bring a wheeled bag and limit myself to not carry more than 3 books at a time. And, well – the first three days I succeeded in keeping it down to 4 at a time.

The first night, I picked up 4 books, 5 tote bags, some Booklist magazines, and a publisher catalog:

I must say that I demonstrated incredible restraint!

Then it was back to my hotel to get ready for the Printz Awards.

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