Review of Big Bear and Little Bear Go Fishing, by Amy Hest, illustrated by Erin Stead

Big Bear and Little Bear Go Fishing

by Amy Hest
illustrated by Erin Stead

Neal Porter Books (Holiday House), 2024. 40 pages.
Review written July 18, 2024, from a library book.
Starred Review

Ahh. This picture book gives me a happy sense of peace.

It’s a quiet story of a grown-up bear and a young bear going fishing. The story is simple, the pictures are charming, and the nice repetition makes it delightful for beginning readers or young listeners.

Here’s how the book begins:

One day Big Bear says to Little Bear, I’m just in the mood for fishing.

Me too, says Little Bear. Just in the mood.

Big Bear and Little Bear pull on baggy blue pants for fishing. And boots. They stuff their feet into tal black boots. Their coats are yellow with pockets and hoods.

Now they are ready for fishing.

That all sounds good. But the first word on the next page is:


Three times they think of something more they need — poles; nice, warm blueberry scones; and a book with stories.

When they are finally really, truly ready to go fishing, they make their way to their fishing boat, pulling the wagon with supplies, get into the boat, and row out into the lake.

I love the page once they get there:

Big Bear and Little Bear dip their poles in the lake.

Fishermen sit very still, whispers Big Bear.

Oh yes, Little Bear whispers back. Very still.

Sunshine sparkles up the lake.

Fishermen are patient, whispers Big Bear.

Oh yes, Little Bear whispers back. Patient.

And so they wait. And wait. And of course they need a break for nice, warm blueberry scones, as well as for reading from their big book of stories.

Okay, my repeating good lines simply doesn’t do the job without Erin Stead’s cozy illustrations. If you have a young child in your home, you need to check out this book and read it together yourselves! I guarantee, you’ll be charmed.

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