Review of Our Divine Mischief, by Hanna C. Howard

Our Divine Mischief

by Hanna C. Howard

Blink, 2023. 371 pages.
Reviewed October 16, 2024, from a library book.
Starred Review

Here’s a sweet young adult fantasy with a touch of romance set on an island where every young person makes a trip to Yslet’s Island to meet the goddess and learn what apprenticeship they will get. Áila is almost eighteen, and it’s time for her to make her pilgrimage. But when she goes, the goddess is not there – instead she finds a dog, a dog named Orail.

The village elders don’t know how to respond when Áila has nothing to show for her trip to the island but a dog. So they have her live in isolation and prepare for five Ordeals. If she passes the Ordeals, she will be allowed to try again to voyage to Yslet’s isle. The only human she’s allowed to talk to is Hew, a young man who is considered Unblessed because Yslet gave him a blank pendant. His work cutting peat is so unimportant, he can be spared to run errands for Áila.

But while Áila is preparing for the Ordeals, it becomes obvious that Orail is no ordinary dog. She can grant wishes, especially Áila’s wishes. And Hew is observant enough to find out something is going on. Best of all, Orail’s thoughts are given to the reader in poetry form.

But there’s another man who’s interested in helping Áila, and he has the approval of the priests – a handsome visiting scribe and his sister. Is there a reason Orail doesn’t trust him? It’s probably just that he doesn’t like dogs.

As events start taking place that affect far more than their island, Áila and Hew face huge obstacles to try to make it right.

A big part of the charm of this book is the wonderful dog character, and the love between Orail and Áila. I won’t give anything away, but I also love what we learn at the end about those who are thought to be “Unblessed.” A feel-good story with a whole lot of charm.

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