Review of Timothy and the Strong Pajamas, by Viviane Schwarz
Timothy and the Strong Pajamas
A Superhero adventure by Viviane Schwarz
Arthur A. Levine Books (Scholastic), New York, 2007. 32 pages.
Starred Review.
This is the story of Timothy Smallbeast. He wasn’t big. And he wasn’t strong. (But he really, really wished he was.)
Oh, how I wish this book was around when my own son Timothy was the same size as Timothy Smallbeast!
Timothy tries to make himself strong, but to no avail — until his favorite pajamas fall apart, and his mother fixes them. She fixed them so well, they were now Super Strong Pajamas, with Patches of Power and Buttons of Braveness.
Fortunately, it’s the weekend, and Timothy is allowed to wear his pajamas all day, ready and equipped to come to the aid of all who need him.
When Timothy himself needs aid, there’s a wonderfully satisfying solution, springing from the seeds of the good deeds Timothy has sown.
This book is utterly delightful, and will definitely feature soon in a Storytime. I can’t wait to read it to a child. (It doesn’t count that I brought it home to make my own son Timothy read it. He’s fourteen, and did a fine job reading it aloud, but we need a small child around to fully appreciate it.)
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