Review of The Little Blue Bridge, by Brenda Maier, pictures by Sonia Sanchez
by Brenda Maier
pictures by Sonia Sanchez
Scholastic Press, Spring 2021. 40 pages.
Review written March 8, 2021, from an advance reader copy sent by the publisher
Starred Review
The Little Blue Bridge takes the pattern from the Norwegian folk tale, The Billy Goats Gruff, and puts a maker twist on it.
Ruby is always full of ideas. When she sees blueberries across the creek, she suggests to her brothers that they go across to pick some and make blueberry pie. But they leave without her.
However, the only way across the creek is a plank bridge that a bully, Santiago built. He tells the brothers they can’t cross unless they give him a snack, but one by one they promise better snacks in the sibling to come.
Ruby doesn’t have any snacks, so Santiago won’t let her cross. But she’s prepared for that! Ruby competently builds a much better bridge with blue planks.
And the story ties up in a delightful way, with the small sister getting her due and showing up everyone with her ingenuity.
The pictures are full of exuberant action and it all adds up to an utterly delightful story I hope to get to use in story time some day.
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